Birthday University

BU Virtual Master’s Degree Program

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Virtual Master’s Degree Program

The BU Virtual Master’s Degree class is the online version of the Live 2-day Birthday University, with all the same topics covered.  For those unable to travel, the live virtual program is perfect and allows you to get access to the same information and education as those that do.  There is no other program as complete and more important to the success of your family entertainment or leisure business than BU.

Post pandemic pivots, by evaluating and designing a unique party and group concept or reengineering your existing, no longer relevant formula, is critical to survival and long-term sustainable success.  The changes you make NOW are what you’ll get back, positive or negative six months and beyond.  Even after this pandemic tsunami subsides, the ingredients of a profitable party and events program have remained the same.    It’s the human relationships and emotional interaction on your attractions, that create your unique difference, justifying value and giving a reason to return.  Those waiting and hoping for a miracle, searching for market share by offering more for less, will get lost, blend or just fade away. 

View and download the BU Virtual Master’s Degree Program Agenda

Upcoming Birthday University Workshops

Chicago, IL

Dates to be announced.

Birthday University Master’s Degree Program
March 2022. $399 for the first Student
$200 per additional person.
Live in Chicago.

If you have more than three students you would like to enroll,
please call (919) 387-1966.

Raleigh, NC

June 22-23, 2022

Birthday University Master’s Degree Program
June, 2022. $399 for the first Student
$200 per additional person.

Location TBA

If you have more than three students you would like to enroll,
please call (919) 387-1966.

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